Dear readers and colleagues,
It's been two years since December 2013, when the first issue of our journal was published. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge is now entering the third year of its existence, and it looks to be the right time for a small reflection on what we managed to achieve.  Without excessive modesty we can state that the journal has got into the subconscious of the professional public, as evidenced by the interest of the authors to publish their contributions in IJEK, but also the inclusion of the journal in the "ERIH +" database.  Our aim is to keep the standard of publishing of the entrepreneurially related high quality scientific articles written by recognized experts and get IJEK listed in Scopus database in the nearest future.
As is evident from the name of the journal, the purpose of its existence is to create a platform for the publishing of entrepreneurial knowledge. And it is not a simple assignment - it requires the connection of theoretical knowledge with practice, hunting for the ways of seeking new opportunities for business, but also for the forms of its implementation with regard to business related risks. To fulfill this purpose we would like to create several sub-platforms that will promote the different business related categories in the journal. We will continually work on the development of these platforms by creating the specialized chapters for the appropriate individual contributions.
It will thus create the space for the analysis of business opportunities, risk management, enterprise economics and finance, new methods of marketing and management, the use of information technology in business, business in the non-manufacturing sector and non-traditional areas. Negligible role for the business sector is played by the knowledge of the legal forms of enterprises and related obligations, including the prediction of possible impacts of non-compliance with the obligations (commercial judiciary, the effects of the measures the EU or WTO).
It is therefore evident that our journal can cover the wide scope of entrepreneurial topics and provides the space for the presentation of new findings in the field of business and all the consequent activities. Let us, therefore, to the next year of our joint activities of many imaginative and original contributions that will benefit everyone, both readers and writers.
We wish to attract many imaginative and original contributions that will be helpful for both our readers and authors in the next year 2016.
Your Editorial Board