International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge is published by the company VŠP Ostrava, a.s. and financed by a non-profit organisation NFPP, n.f.

VŠP Ostrava, a. s.
Michálkovická 1810/181
710 00 Ostrava-Slezská Ostrava
Czech Republic
Sciendo is the co-publisher of the journal.
Editorial Office: 
Editorial office of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge
VŠP Ostrava, a. s.
Michálkovická 1810/181
710 00 Ostrava-Slezská Ostrava
Czech Republic
Email: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.
Editorial Staff:
doc. Ing. Aleksandr Ključnikov, Ph.D.. - Executive editor
doc. Ing. Boris Popesko, Ph.D. - editor
Bc. Jan Krčmař - IT and publishing
Frequency of publishing: two times a year
Place of publication: Ostrava
Number of copies: 200
Periodical registration number: MK E 21546
ISSN 2336-2952 (Print)
ISSN 2336-2960 (Online)
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