Professor Dr. Alexander Libman, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, is ranked number 100 in the ranking of top 100 academics below the age of 40. The ranking is published by German financial daily Handelsblatt and assesses the performance of researchers in the field of economics.
Alexander Libman, 31, is Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at Frankfurt School. Federalism is one of his key research areas. He especially addresses questions of integration and multi-level power structures in Eurasia in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Domestic and international government relations in these countries form another research focus. He also covers political economy with regard to regional integration, federalism and in non-democracies.
Alexander Libman studied Economics at the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow and graduated in 2003. He was awarded his first doctorate in Economics two years later from the Russian Academy of Sciences where he also earned his habilitation in 2010. He was awarded a Dr. rer. pol. doctorate in 2009 from the University of Mannheim. He has been Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at the Frankfurt School since 2009. He also runs the New Political Economy research group at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is a research fellow at the East China Normal University in Shanghai. He has also been a research fellow at the Stockholm School of Economics and the University of Mannheim.
His research has been published, i.e., in the Journal of Common Market Studies, in the Journal of Comparative Economics, in the Review of International Political Economy, in Empirical Economics, in Europe-Asia Studies and Post-Communist Economies. The European Public Choice Society awarded Professor Libman with the Knut Wicksell Prize.

Full CV of Alexander Libman.

Source: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management